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Faith City Hub

Faith City Hub(FCH)

Faith City Hub

A global “Apostolic Prophetic” training and revival Hub. We are not your typical church but serve as an Apostolic-led center where many from local and international churches, individual ministries, prayer groups, and other Jesus-loving individuals meet to dig deep into the wells of worship and prayer. We are “His Presence” oriented.

The Hub provides biblical-based Training and information on a myriad of topics thus providing growth and maturity to the Body of Christ to demonstrate miracles, signs, and wonders in preparation for the next great revival!


Ambassador Syvilla Pristell
-United Nations Peace Ambassador
-Deputy General of International Consulting Cabinet for Children Affairs in association with UNICEF

Faith City Hub Hosts

Enjoy Various Opportunities

Faith City Hub

1. Daily opportunities to intercede and cry out to God but taking territorial dominion and authority over the wiles of the devil.
2.Opportunity to partner and establish a foundation for the ministry goals given to individuals or groups
3. Monthly worship gatherings seeking “His Presence” adhering to pandemic and other guidelines
4. Guidance and oversight in establishing small group house or digital meetings providing networking, soul winning, mentorship and other collective opportunities needed to maintain wholeness to the Bride of Christ
5. Involvement with television productions, crusades and missions to U.S. cities, and world nations thus spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and believing God for miracles, signs and wonders.
6. Providing access to partnering with other United Nations and other agencies to “Protect the Innocence of the children.”

Faith City Hub
faith City Hub Worship

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Faith City Hub
Faith City Hub

Our Purpose

Our Purpose is to bring together the Body of Christ to Connect, Empower, Focus, and Impact the Global Community. We see the gifts and callings of God flowing together to reach our world. Through our collective roots, we seek to branch out and influence every aspect of human society; Church Growth, Marketplace Empowerment, Governmental Impact, Family Unity, Education. and Personal Development, Creative Arts and Expression, and Global Communication. Every Believer in Jesus Christ has a ministry, not all are called to the same area of influence. Faith Apostolic Hub networks across these spheres to help individuals and groups fulfill their call to influence the masses and reach their destinies. "All under the Kingdom and for the Glory of Jesus Christ"

More About Faith City Hub

Faith City Hub


Get access to  Prayers and exclusive Teaching by registering on the Annual Membership Plan for as low as $19.95

How to Contact Us

Contact Us with your questions, comments, and information. We want to join the Body together for the Edification of every part and fulfill the Great Commission through the gifting and talents of individual members.
“You are important to us.”
Let’s Get Connected!

Our Archived Events

A NEW YOU with Dr. Pristell
A NEW YOU with Dr. Pristell

A NEW YOU with Dr. Pristell The John Maxwell Team

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Holy Ghost Movement Worship UNTIL YOU DROP
Holy Ghost Movement Worship UNTIL YOU DROP

Practicing The Presence of God. Worship Till You Drop, Holds

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