We meet to pray Kingdom prayers using the word of God, intercede and prophetically proclaim God’s Word to the nations.
Join us weekly: 6 am EST/5 am CST, Sunday through Thursday for prayer & training .
Free Conference Call – No charge
Call in: 518-351-9062
Meeting ID: faithcityhub3
Housetop Faith Spiritual Warfare Conferences began in September of 1997. Dr. Syvilla Pristell had a vision of women in intercession for specific family and community needs. She called together women from several states to join together in concentrated prayer. Dr. Dolores McNair was requested because of her intensive Holy Spirit Conferences. She became the prophetic voice and serves to keep the group aligned with the purposes of God. Other women came together to begin the movement, including; Sharee Marshall of Virginia, Deborah Burnett from Maryland, and Advisor Faith Scott of North Carolina. From the initial group, the prophetic prayer movement has now gathered in one voice both men and women from around the globe to seek the Face of God, desiring His will and passion to be established in Families, Ministries, Business', Governments, all the aspects of social and Influence in the world today.
Birthed from Homes, Retreats, & Other Gatherings the Goals of a HTFPW Summits are: 1. Praying In the Face of God for (7) concentrated hours 2. Spiritual Warfare directed by the Holy Spirit 3. Discussions, Training, and Encouraging a Life of Prayer 4. Provide an Atmosphere of Comfort, Ease, and Love through Prayer 5. Remain Willing to Serve in Prayer for Believers Everywhere
We meet to intercede and prophetically proclaim God’s Word to the nations.
Join us weekly: 6 am EST/5 am CST Sunday through Thursday for prayer & training& 6 am EST/5 am CST
Fridays for In His Glory on leadership, our Worship session 11 am – with His Sacrifice Hub
Call in: 563-999-2098
Access 950347#
On your smartphone, download the ZOOM.US app, and then
join us via ZOOM videoconference!
ZOOM Meeting ID: 248708064
PASSWORD: 966439
to log on to the videoconference 5 minutes before start time to avoid technical disruption
If you’re unable to join online, the phone line is still available:
Dial-in (563) 999-2098,
pin: 950347#
Or call +1-855-976-5387
Get access to Prayers and exclusive Teaching by registering on the Annual Membership Plan for as low as $19.95
House Top Warriors (HTW), God has His hands on you, HTW, your faith will see you through, There was no room in the house for you, Climb to the roof just to get through. Press on to the mark of the high calling. Things of God have no ceiling, Warriors of God.
HTW never settle for less, HTW don't stop to you receive God's best, Press on through the crowd, make your way. Don't stop at the obstacles thrown today. Move on to the top and never stop, Warriors of God.
HTW rejoice in the Lord Always, HTW militant soldiers in these last days. Keep on Ephesians 6 and be quick, Warriors of God - For the battle is the Lord's.
Below is a list of our daily sessions. It documents the
Session Title, Date, Playback ID# & Notes (where applicable).
You can listen to each recording by dialing (563) 999-2099, pin: 950347#.
When prompted, enter the session playback ID#.
On your smartphone, download the ZOOM.US app, and then
join us via ZOOM videoconference!
ZOOM Meeting ID: 248708064
PASSWORD: 966439
to log on to the videoconference 5 minutes before start time to avoid technical disruption
If you’re unable to join online, the phone line is still available:
Dial in (563) 999-2098,
pin: 950347#
Or call +1-855-976-5387
To learn more about make donate charity with us visit our "Contact us" site. By calling +44(0) 800 883 8450 .