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There is much confusion about the five-fold ministry in the church today, especially the ministry of apostles and prophets. Many times, instead of a five-fold ministry, it seems that we believe in a two-fold ministry; pastors and evangelists. The pastors are those who stay in one place, pasturing a church; and the evangelists are those who move around from place to place.
Oh, we have teachers as well, but they can only teach Sunday school classes to the children. There isn’t any other reason for that ministry office.
This misunderstanding is robbing the Body of Christ from receiving all that God desires to pour out on His people. If God established a five-fold ministry, and we are only receiving from two parts of it, we are only receiving forty percent of what we need.
Each office in the five-fold ministry has a specific focus, purpose, and anointing. Each contains one part of the ministry and anointing of Jesus. Each provides something that the Body of Christ needs to accomplish God’s will here upon the earth.
The church has lost the ministries of the prophet and apostle. Along with that, we have lost part of the blessing of God for the church. However, God is working today to restore these essential parts of the ministry.
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: Eph 4:11-13
Paul didn’t establish anything new here. All of the five-fold ministry offices existed in the Old Testament. Obviously the prophets existed, because the Old Testament contains a number of books written by them. We also find the pastor, embodied in the Aaronic priesthood. But, there are also apostles, teachers, and evangelists.
To start out, let’s clarify the roles of the pastor, evangelist, and teacher. These three form the traditional government of the local church, and perform the majority of the ministry to God’s sheep. Then we can understand the restoration of the Prophet & Apostolic office and how they apply toward church government. Click the tabs below to review each.
The Ministries of Apostles & Prophets in the Church Today Adapted from the original article by Rich Murphy